Ultrasound Quality Check Work Flow Process

Step 1: Validate and Upload monhtly data in csv defined format (User: Staff)
Step 2: Generate (20 percent) random patients id of each scan type and assigned equally among the numbers of Reviewers. (User: Staff)
Step 3: Upload images with respect to each patients ID. (User: Staff)
Step 4: Reviewers will score the images (maximum score is 7 for each image). (User: Reviewer)
Step 4.1: if image is wrong. Patient image will go back to the staff to reupload. (Follow Step 3) (User: Reviewer)
Step 4.2: Score assigned and confirm by the reviewer. (User: Reviewer)
Step 5: if (Score<5 & Score!=CL) or (Score<4 & Score==CL), the score will be reviewed by the Expert and conclude for training to the Radiologist. (User: Expert)
Step 6: Score summary sheet for Analysis. (User: Clinical Team)